Charcoal portrait studiesĀ 

After admiring so many talented artists on Instagram I decided to have a go at working in charcoal. It’s been atleast 6 years since I’ve used it so It was challenging. 

The angle was really difficult and I could not get it right at all. In the end I just decided to leave it because it was just annoying me and I didn’t feel like I was learning anything. 

Self Portrait

What better way to learn then to study your own ugly mug… But seriously, this was quite fun. I feel as though I learnt a bit about proportions and realised ineed to work on my shading.

Admittedly I was not in the mood to work on the dreadlocks too much.

I think I will make this a more regular project.


Picking up my pencil… again

Here I am picking up my pencil after another bout of depression. This time it only lasted a few months but in those months of avoiding the outside world, I did a lot of thinking. I need to do something I enjoy not just as a hobby but actually, try and pursue my dream.

Searching for hours on the net for a suitable college course I finally found the OCA (university for the creative arts). The OCA offers open degrees which means I can study from home while looking after my child. I have applied for BA (Hons) Illustration.

While I wait for my application to be processed I’m trying to make use of my time and do a little sketching.

I am really glad I pushed myself.
